The thermal agent is provided by the basement heating plant, which provides:

- heating with static bodies (radiators), toilets, stairwells – generation of thermal energy for the heating installations – ceiling-mounted fan coil system with four pipes (4-pipes)
- generation of thermal energy for the air handling system.
All these circuits work independently
- For the summer period, cold water heating is provided by the cooling station consisting of two air-cooled cooling units (chillers) located on the terrace of the building.
- The operation of each cooling unit is automatic depending on the outer temperature.
- The air handling system is made by 14 WESPER WKW units mounted in the ceiling.
- The fan coil system generates warm air in winter and cold air in summer in the whole building by means of 122 WESPER-VPN units mounted in the ceiling, consisting of: filters, heating coil, cooling coil and 3-stage fan with automatic control for each unit.
- At the main entrance of the building there is also a wall-mounted fan heater – air curtain.
Meets the requirements for the classification of devices specific to office buildings and the classification of the building in the category of importance C, providing:
- emergency escape lighting
- safety lighting, allowing people to continue their work (the central signalling room of the
- fire signalling room, main switchboard room, generator room, fire hydrant room, shaft lighting, elevators, etc.).
- lighting for marking internal fire hydrants
- fire pumps and valves
- electrical receptacles for civil protection
- The electricity supply is achieved through the 2x630 kVA - 20/0,4 kV transformer substation incorporated in the construction.
The general low voltage panel is supplied from the transformer substation.
- The lighting fixtures in the building are: Philips fluorescent lighting 4x18w, Philips decorative halogen spotlights, Philips metal halide outdoor spotlights.
Electricity supply from our own sources
- The back-up source for the building’s receptors is the 150 kVA generator set, with automatic on-load starting and continuous operation for 6-8 hours.
- The continuity of the power supply until the generator is switched on is ensured by the emergency lighting from the battery packs, which are designed for 1 hour operation.
- 1st Category receivers are supplied from the main fuse panel, directly or via secondary fuse panels.
- All rooms are equipped with sockets (red) which are powered by their own generator, thus ensuring the power supply to the receivers.
The installation comprises automatic signalling detectors connected to a signalling centre and
automated control that continuously records all events with marking the month, day, hour, minute and second, editing:

- log of events in real time dated
- log of system status
- log of failures, malfunctions
- records by detection zone for:
- closed-open fire dampers
- central air units that are off
- overpressure fans on
- smoke traps operated
- fire pumps on – fault
Automatic addressable detectors, with light emitting diodes, addressable or non-addressable socket, complying with environmental and operating conditions.
The types of operation are:
- detectors with max. thermal threshold (17 pcs.)
- optical smoke detectors (233 pcs.)
There are also signal buttons (29 pcs.) placed at each entrance and at each level.
Incorporated in the warning unit assembly, it responds to the same fire zones.
RTV signal distribution
The building has a vertical cabling system, the possibility of installing a satellite antenna and floor distributors.
An installation with the following functions has been provided:
- Video surveillance of accesses points from the ground floor and basement with 8 video cameras in thermostatic caisson, digital access control in each office area by magnetic card.
- Control of unauthorized entries by motion and infrared sensors
- All surveillance elements are concentrated in the surveillance room located on the ground floor
- All doors are equipped with a magnetic locking and control system, with the possibility of opening with a unique master key.